Sorry for the lack of posts lately, for those who follow, I've been quite busy with the little guy. I really hope to be able to keep up with this blog more than once a week. My goal was to post daily but that has not been realistic this month. Anywhooo, Noah man is now almost 10 weeks old, he is cooing and smiling all day and starting to finally not have a bobble head anymore. I love this age much better then when he was a newborn, I mean every stage is precious but it wasn't easy running on a few hours of sleep a night, now he's on somewhat of a sleeping schedule which makes my life sooo much easier. I have stuck strictly to his feeding schedule where He eats every 3 hours and as a result he is finally sleeping in his crib at night!!!! yay!!! from usually 12 am to 9 am, and only waking up once to feed, I am so proud of myself for buckling down and getting him to sleep on his own.. Now not only do I sleep better, but he seems to as well! He really is a good baby, I can't complain at all, he is my little angel! Life is good, God is good for blessing me with everything I need to take good care of him!
I got a little bit sappy on my last post..ehhh sorry bout that..and ofcourse my quote for the moment!