So I'm having one of those days that everyone has where I have no motivation, and thats rare for me because I'm a DOER, if thats a word. I am a multi-tasker, an organizer, (I tend to be a bit over the top when it comes to organization but its not necessarily a bad thing). So on these days where I feel overwhelmed with everything I need to get done, such as, laundry, dishes, clean the house, run errands, all while taking care of Noah, I get a tad bit stressed out and end up not doing any of it because I don't know what to tackle first, now this is only on the days where I'm lacking motivation, just tired and a bit lazy, it frusterates me becasue I'm such an active person. But what matters most is Noah, the dishes and laundry can wait. I need to learn to give myself a break. I know this is a silly thing to blog about but this is my life.... I get up, I care for my son, I clean house, I visit family and friends some days and occasionally go out with Matt (noah's Dad), I run errands, I chill out at night, watch a couple movies, play and read to Noah and fall asleep alone in my big queen bed, that is my daily grind. I worry like every other woman, about my future, about Noah, about whether or not I'm beig a good mom, about finances...But thats pat of life and what makes my life so awesome are the little things, the simple things! Mainly watching Noah grow and change, he has truly given my life meaning, given me purpose and drive. That's all I have for today! Happy blogging :)
So I'm having one of those days that everyone has where I have no motivation, and thats rare for me because I'm a DOER, if thats a word. I am a multi-tasker, an organizer, (I tend to be a bit over the top when it comes to organization but its not necessarily a bad thing). So on these days where I feel overwhelmed with everything I need to get done, such as, laundry, dishes, clean the house, run errands, all while taking care of Noah, I get a tad bit stressed out and end up not doing any of it because I don't know what to tackle first, now this is only on the days where I'm lacking motivation, just tired and a bit lazy, it frusterates me becasue I'm such an active person. But what matters most is Noah, the dishes and laundry can wait. I need to learn to give myself a break. I know this is a silly thing to blog about but this is my life.... I get up, I care for my son, I clean house, I visit family and friends some days and occasionally go out with Matt (noah's Dad), I run errands, I chill out at night, watch a couple movies, play and read to Noah and fall asleep alone in my big queen bed, that is my daily grind. I worry like every other woman, about my future, about Noah, about whether or not I'm beig a good mom, about finances...But thats pat of life and what makes my life so awesome are the little things, the simple things! Mainly watching Noah grow and change, he has truly given my life meaning, given me purpose and drive. That's all I have for today! Happy blogging :)
Below are pics of noah, his dad and I, our matching tattoos we got when he was only a couple weeks old, daddy on diaper duty and a few randoms of noah. I wish my pictures were better quality but unfortuatly i capture alot with my cell phone (blackberry) which does not take very good pictures, I
eventually would like to get a better phone and computer to make uploading and editing easier. One day.....
All the wonderful comments I've received these past few days got me to thinking......... Life is not always easy, it definitly is what we make it, but there is such a comfort in knowing there is good hearted, loving, caring, compassionate people out there. We all come across the not so easy people, everyday we deal with people that are hard to handle, maybe they're inconsiderate, cold, rude, arrogant, or just plain mean, but I've realized that everyone has a story, everyone carries pain with them but we all channel it differrently. Like for instance the lady at the grocery store who seems extremely rude and put out that your in her line, well.. her dog may have just died or she may have just found out someone she loves has cancer... So, Never stop trying to see the good in people, you never know what your kindness can do... Just a smile can make someones day, or even their week. So I encourage you to be kind to everyone you meet, even if it isn't easy. It not only improves your life, but it can profoundly change someone elses! Never pass up an opportunity to do good and show love.
This is my all time favorite Mother Theresa saying that I try my best to live by:
(Art by Karen Blados)
Mostly, I just believe that I'm never going to stop learning what it is I believe.
Thanks to this awesome weather we've been having I have finally started working out, went on a nice long walk (yesterday and today) with Noah strapped to the front of me, Not only is it a better work out (noah is almost 16lbs) but its good to hold your baby rather then always putting them in something like a swing or a stroller....While on my walk I couldn't help but reflect on all the awesome people in my life, I felt a huge sense of gratitude for everything I've been blessed with, it's beautiful days like this when its supposed to be dreary cold and the ground full of snow that make me appreciate life and all the beauty we have surrounding us, the way the sun was beaming in the sky, just a slight breeze, about 46 degrees, it was perfect! If we never had bad days we wouldn't appreciate the good! :)
If you're ever having a bad day, week or just doown because life isn't going how you planned (it happens to us all)...Its super easy to turn it around by counting your blessings, literally thinking of all the wonderful things in your life like family and friends you love who love you too, looking into your child's eyes and having them smile at you, the roof over your head, the unique gifts/talents God has given you... whatever is good in your life focus on these things, find ways to seek happiness in each new sunrise, even admiring the beauty around you, nature, good hearted people, ect. There's a million reasons to be happy and thankful, it's often times the simple things in life that create so much Joy. Thats my life..simple, but its all mine and I love it, finding an awesome song with a good beat and sweet lyrics, going for a brisk walk with my baby on a gorgeous february day, laughing with my sister, visiting my niece, sharing my son's coo's and smiles with his dad, cooking a great healthy home made meal for others to enjoy...its these little simple joys that make my days awesome! LIFE IS GOOD!
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